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MawkTech Space offers a wide range of amenities, including high-speed internet, well-equipped meeting rooms, printing services, and communal areas for collaboration.

We provide flexible membership plans, allowing you to choose from monthly, part-time, or daily passes, ensuring that your membership suits your unique work requirements.

Your base membership covers most services, but feel free to ask about any extra charges, such as conference room bookings or specialized printing.

Yes, MawkTech Space offers trial periods and flexible memberships, giving you the flexibility to test the space or adapt your membership to your evolving needs.

Our co-working space boasts extended hours, designed to accommodate your work schedule effectively.

We implement robust security measures, including key card access and surveillance cameras, to ensure your safety within our premises.

Absolutely! MawkTech Space organizes various networking events, workshops, and community-building activities to foster collaboration among our members.

We encourage personalization of your desk or office setup to create a workspace that suits your preferences.

Feel free to inquire about our membership cancellation terms and notice periods for modifications.

We aim to accommodate a wide range of work and business activities, but it's always good to understand our policies and regulations.

We have a straightforward process for reserving meeting rooms, and you can check availability and associated fees.

Our co-working space includes designated quiet areas, ensuring a conducive work environment.

You'll find kitchen facilities within our space, and we can recommend nearby dining options.

Our internet connection is high-speed and reliable, meeting your work requirements seamlessly.

We have guest access policies to ensure a secure and productive workspace.

MawkTech Space has efficient procedures for mail handling and package delivery.

We prioritize accessibility and compliance with disability standards to ensure everyone can enjoy our co-working space.

Our community values collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing, providing an ideal environment for personal and professional growth.

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We have a team of specialists available 24/7 to help you find the best solution for your business.

+92 300 0665050
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